Friday, January 28, 2011

What am I reading?

As most of you know, I'm an avid reader. I'm always in the middle of a few books. Here are the titles that I'm pouring through right now.

As part of my Bible study time each morning, I'm working through Radical by David Platt. To say that this book is challenging is an understatement. What would happen if we started being mindful of the rest of the world and our responsibility for it? I've always wanted our kids to have a global mindset, but this book has convicted me on the implications. We are taking some significant steps toward living this out this year that I will share.

I'm also reading through Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. This book tackles how our habits, specificially eating, reflect misdirected desires for God. If you're an emotional eater, like me, you'll find this book to be challenging to where you are finding your satisfaction and comfort in life.

This last book I'm reading through more slowly and in my leisure. Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman gives you lots of tips and tricks for running a household with lots of kids. Now, don't get me wrong, having 3 is not quite a large family, but there are plenty of ideas that have helped me streamline our lives. Lord willing, I would love to have more kids, and that might just bump us closer to the large family category. 

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