Monday, March 28, 2011

One Thousand Gifts: (For) Saturday, Mar 26th, 2011

With an unplanned trip and funeral in recent days, our days have been busy, but not without their blessings ....

#71: A joy-giving, organized master closet
#72: A healthy bundle of answered prayers in little baby Jacob
#73: Answering machine messages from friends
#74: My loving husband who picks me up when I'm down
#75: The new Whole Foods N. Raleigh
#76: Time with my brother and sister-in-law
#77: Wisdom from experienced friends (Thanks Auntie Linda!)
#78: Being home
#79: Tax returns
#80: Swagbucks

Read about the original One Thousand Gifts list from Ann Voskamp HERE.


  1. Tuesday now means just a continuation of Multitude Monday for me. Can’t stop reading lists. And so I’m here today from Ann’s.

    And today my favorite from your list was #74: My loving husband who picks me up when I'm down (because that’s the way it’s supposed to work. No? Help mates – partners – a two person rowing team) {smile}

    God Bless and keep you and yours
    May His face shine upon you…
    and all of yours.

  2. Wisdom from experienced friends. Isn't that just the greatest? So many times people are afraid to pass on their wisdom. If only they knew how much we need and beg for it. Even as I get older, I see how much I've missed by not seeking out wise counsel. It's my prayer in life that I will be compassionate and open in passing on the little bit of wisdom I am have. Loved your list today. It was a blessing to be here!
