Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thinking Love download

"How a Seven Year Old Sees Van Gogh" Silas K.
Silas, Age 5

I feel so privileged to get questions about homeschooling from friends. I remember asking some of the same questions when our kids were smaller and we were thinking about school.

How do you know what to teach?

What do your days look like?

What about discipline issues?

What about differing personalities?

And then, there were things that I didn't even know to ask about that I have learned over the years. Yes, we are now in our 4th year of homeschooling!

Over the next few weeks, I hope to answer some of these questions on the blog on Thursdays.

To start you off, I'd like to direct you to this free e-book from Simply Charlotte Mason - "A Thinking Love"

Here is the description from their website ....

Join Sonya Shafer as she explores what “a thinking love” means and contemplates the various ways that Charlotte Mason encouraged thinking mothers to show their love to their children.
  • Encouraging—The short, practical chapters will both challenge and equip you in your role as a thinking mother, dealing with topics like
    • The need for boundaries in our children’s lives,
    • Teaching our children the meaning of must,
    • A reminder of some simple laws of health,
    • A description of true education,
    • A caution against playing favorites,
    • Giving our children the best of Mother,
    • Dealing with faults,
    • Encouraging our children’s relationships with God,
    • And more!
  • Christian—As was common in her writings, Charlotte’s comments grew from a strong love for her Savior and respect for God’s Word.
  • Inspiring—More than seventy Charlotte Mason quotes on different aspects of being a thinking mother.
Click HERE to download the free E-book! Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to Thursdays in a new way.
