Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Goals for my House

Our houses are where we spend the bulk of our time. It's also, for most of us, the biggest investment we have.

So what do you want to do yours in 2011? Here are my home goals for this year ....

#1: To dramatically reduce the contents of our house
The motivation behind this is from a continuing conviction that we have too much. The Francis Chan message that I posted earlier this month really summed it up pretty well. As he says, we truly are filthy rich in this country. In a separate post I will explain more, but we have started on a journey to get rid of our stuff. Half of it. I have to warn you, though, that when you start getting rid of stuff, you start learning some very interesting about yourself and your things.

#2: To develop a working chore system
My children are almost always eager and willing to help out and I do have them help here and there. This year, I would like to come up with a more consistent approach to chores so that they have consistent jobs throughout the week that contribute to our family and the cleanliness of our house.

#3: To open our home to guests more often
I have to confess that I'm not so quick to want to have people over. Bert is much more outgoing and social than I am. We are moving from a focus on stuff, to those things, like people, that are truly of value. Opening our house is a key piece. I have this idea that once there is less clutter (see Goal No. 1) and the house is cleaner (see Goal No.2) that I will feel more comfortable entertaining more often.

How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I like it! You will have to post what you have each child do for chores. I am trying to get rid of stuff too. Looking forward to reading more from you!
